jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019

Post graduate studies

Well, I still don't know very well why I study Public administration but I´m already doing it so I'll continue studying. There are quite a few disciplines that I like so after I have my degree I plan do a Master about a discipline that interests me like sociology, philosophy, anthropology, communications or public politics but I'm not sure yet.

I would like studying the Master abroad, not so much for the prestige of universities but for the chance to know other country’s like France, Spain, Colombia and especially Mexico because since childhood I wanted to know all about their cultures. If it is not possible studying abroad I would like studying at Universidad de Chile like what I am currently studying, in fact I have already seen some Masters that interest me in this university.

 The problem with studying  a Master is the money, because postgraduate programs are very expensive especially when the Master it is abroad. So I plan postulate to Becas Chile or something similar because otherwise I don't think it's possible to study a Master.

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019

future job

I have always thought that I wouldn’t like to work in the future, i would like be free and make the  things that make me happy like take photos, read books, play videogames, go out with friends and study things that make me curious, but unfortunately the life doesn’t work like this.

Being realistic and considering that I study public administration I would like work in a lot of different institutions of state of Chile, I don’t know yet exactly what work to do in this institutions but I know I don’t like work alone in an office.  I would like that my future job let me create social projects with other peoples, I feel  I'm good at coordinating with other peoples so if my future job  I have to be work alone in for example excel, I´m sure that job would make me disappointed.

Still, if I had a job like that I wouldn’t give up and try to move up to do something I like, like make social projects and  make management advices.

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2019

I don't have a favorite TV personality because i don’t watch TV since 12 years old. And before 12 years old I only watched series like The Simpsons and Malcolm in the Middle so I don’t have references of the Chilean TV personalities. Even before 12 years old I didn’t watched much TV, I preferred to go out and play with my friends. Anyway, the times I watched television was because I was going to see it at a friend's house; we didn't have a TV cable in my house and the signal on our television was terrible. You might think that I am not informed because I don’t  watch TV news but I report from different news websites.

Now that I think about it, yes there is a television personality that I like but I met him surfing the internet. He is Federico Sánchez, architect, academic and makes a TV program about the architect of Santiago de Chile. He has a particular and eccentric personality that makes that chapters of City Tour, apart from giving interesting information, be entertaining and dynamic.

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019


In the north Atlantic it´s found Iceland, a country with a population of 360.390 and I would like visit this island-country.

This country has attracted me for a long time for many reasons. The first reason has to do with the weather of Iceland; I love the cold weather and in Iceland it´s very cold, the average of maximum temperature it´s 14°C on July, and the average of the minimum temperature it´s  -2°C on January. Also the landscapes in Iceland are very beautiful like landscapes with cold deserts, mountains chains, waterfalls and geysers.

In Iceland there are some places that i would love visit like the Thingvellir national park, The Thingvellir area is part of a fissure zone running through Iceland so they can be found a lot of mountains, next to this area is the lake Thingvallavatn, a beautiful lake that have a background mountain range. I would like trip to this place to take pictures and contemplate nature.

Post graduate studies

Well, I still don't know very well why I study Public administration but I´m already doing it so I'll continue studying. There are...